Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hearing Again for the First Time

During my walk today, the song "I Am Free" by Michael Gungor came up on shuffle. I love this song, but today I caught something different - something I had never heard before. Even though I've listened to this song hundreds of times, even though I have all of the lyrics memorized, a different meaning I had never pondered before seemed to almost overwhelm me.

Through you the blind will see
Through you the mute will sing
Through you the dead will rise
Through you our hearts will praise
Through the darkness flees
Through you my heart screams
I am Free!

I have always paid attention to the "results" in the lines of this song (blind will see, mute will sing, etc.). Never before had I heard such a strong emphasis on the word, "You." And as the tears began to roll down my cheeks, I realized that God was trying to free me. Free me from the pressures that I have put on myself. Free me from the responsibilities that are not mine. Free me from the expectations of others. Free me from trying to figure out how to implement the latest church growth methods. Free me from another 5-point list of what a leader has to be and do in order to be effective.

I am Free! I am Free! I am Free! Why? Because it's not about me!

Sometimes we need reminded of this. Sometimes it comes to us when we hear things again for the first time.

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