Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Wife, New Friend, New General Director

When you travel, it's hard to maintain your diet and exercise routine, but I have been trying my best while I'm here. However, last night I went out with my oldest son for some "guy time" and we ingested things like: French toast, bacon, sausage, and sweet tea. So this morning I decided I needed to put a little more effort into my walk to try to combat all of the calories and sugar I consumed the night before. I normally walk for about 2.5 miles which takes me about 30 minutes. This time I walked 3.84 miles in 52 minutes and burned 594 calories! So thankful for the beautiful morning and the gorgeous Anderson University campus - definitely makes walking more pleasurable.

I have to address the morning service because I put a comment of Facebook and Twitter that left some folks curious. It was one of those "you had to be here" type of moments and it didn't translate well at all. I said, "Shopping for a new wife and arranging dates on Skype - all part of our global mission work :) #whereisChuckWoolery #StandingTogether" This was hilarious if you were in attendance, but if not, made you think I had lost my mind. You can watch the service here, but I will briefly explain. Edward Nkansah was preaching and in his opening statements made mention that his wife passed away 3 years ago. And in a half joking/half serious fashion, he told us that he is looking for a new, young wife, and if we have anybody we would like to hook him up with, he'd be happy to meet this new potential bride. Watch the video and you'll see and hear the humor in this. My apologies for the confusion.

I randomly picked a seat for the afternoon service and ended up sitting next to the gentleman pictured below. Rev. Bob Moss was sitting behind us and as we sang "I'd Rather Have Jesus," our 3 voices were harmonizing and it was beautiful. Add that to the hundreds of other voices in the room and it was one of the most beautiful things I've heard all week. Now here's where it gets interesting. The older gentleman next to me is named Bob, too. And, he's from Parma, Ohio (I'm from Akron). And, he attends the Lakeview Church of God where Rick Carrell is the pastor. And, I did pulpit supply there once before. And, Bob was the treasurer who signed my check. And, Bob's last name is Hanak. And, I know that last name because his sister was Helen Alspach who I knew my whole life because she attended my church in Tallmadge. HOW COOL IS THAT!

Our dear brother from Russia, Andrei Kolegov was our preacher for the afternoon service. I always love to hear him and he always has a great story or 2 to illustrate his point. You can watch the service here. I learned that "Slava Bogul" means "praise the Lord!" in Russian, and we even had the opportunity to sing "How Great is Our God" or "Nash Bog Tak Velik" in Andrei's native tongue. This message was very powerful, but also very down-to-earth. We were reminded of the importance of relational discipleship, and that we are to be bearers (not holders) of the Good News!

Monday afternoon provided an opportunity for us to put our words into practice by helping to pack meals for Change This World. The goal was 60,000 meals packed by 400 volunteers. Well, God had bigger goals than we did so He provided 800 volunteers who packed over 93,000 meals!

I am so thankful that the Planning Committee was intentional about having women bring the Word of God to us; and last night was a perfect example. What a great opportunity to show the world that we affirm and empower women in ministry! Mailesi Ndao of Zambia preached with a fire and a passion that brought everyone to their feet when she had concluded. After sharing her testimony of Divine healing, she warned us about being silent and reminded us that we have fertile ground in which to plant seeds - it's our children. Please take the time to view this service - you will be blessed!

Our new General Director designate, Rev. Jim Lyon took the opportunity to speak to us following the evening service. He addressed several issues and questions including: women in ministry, homosexuality, and the role of the General Director. I have to say that his answer to the homosexuality issue is the best I think I've ever heard. You can learn more about Rev. Jim Lyon and where he stands on key issues by clicking here.

I'll conclude with this: Church of God, I fully believe that our movement is getting ready to move again!

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